The power of social media can no longer be denied, Los Angeles. Even those that have the most rudimentary grasp of SEO have to understand that a part of any significant optimization effort and ad campaign must include serious dollars directed toward social media advertising. If you run the numbers across any one of a number of metrics, you can see that social media is only growing in power as we progress further into the 21st century.
Social Media Is An Unstoppable Juggernaut
People are consuming ads across social media platforms, and at this point, they are expecting to as well. Targeted content is the best way to reach your customers if you’re a business owner, as any internet marketing agency located in the greater Los Angeles area will tell you. In 2018, there are considerably more than 3 billion people on the planet using social media. In North America, 70 percent of people use social media daily. Just think about that for a second. If you take a random cross-section of the population and pick ten people out of a crowd, seven of those ten are likely to have been active on social media that day. Knowing that information, how can you afford not to have active social media accounts for your business, and to be directing a significant portion of your ad money there?
More people spend time on Facebook now than watch television. Billions are already spent on social media ad campaigns, but over the next five years, the number is expected to double. One reason for that is because it is predominantly young people who use social media, or, to put it another way, barely any young people don’t use social media. Teens and those in their twenties might not have a ton of disposable income yet, but they will before much longer, and in the meantime, they’re the trendsetters. Getting your ads in front of those who will dictate the direction in which society is heading is critical if you want your brand to remain relevant.
What should be taken from all of this is that if you don’t have an expert in-house team to handle your SEO and run your social media accounts, you need to hire yourself an internet marketing agency double quick. If you’re still restricting yourself to radio spots and TV ads, then you won’t be connecting with an ever-expanding group whose influence is unmatched. Take heed, Los Angeles businesses. The times have changed, and social media use is not some tiny niche or passing fancy.