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6 Transactional Emails Every SEO Company in Los Angeles Should Be Familiar With

6 Transactional Emails Every SEO Company in Los Angeles Should Be Familiar With

6 Transactional Emails Every SEO Company in Los Angeles Should Be Familiar With


Successful digital marketing at an SEO company in Los Angeles depends upon an understanding of many factors like social media, website design, and ad campaigns but many people underestimate the power of email marketing. When you are strategizing for your business’s email marketing, you need to consider subscriber engagement at the top of your list. 

According to a recent study, 54 percent of consumers in the United States and Canada will consider ending brand loyalty if they receive irrelevant offers and content. This is why many companies have discarded bulk email campaigns for more specific transactional emails. These kinds of emails can generate 2 to 5 times more revenue per email than a more general, bulk email.

So, what are transactional emails? According to digital marketing experts at a Los Angeles SEO company, transactional emails are triggered by a certain consumer action and are also known as operational emails. When a consumer fills out a form, subscribes to your content, or buys a product, they get an email. The best thing about these kinds of emails is that they are designed to target people who are currently looking at and considering your brand. Here are the 6 different types of transactional emails that you should be aware of: 

  1. Registration/Email Confirmation Emails – When consumers fill out a form, register for an event, or subscribe to a newsletter, they should receive an email confirmation. Not only is this a polite gesture in business etiquette, but it is also a great opportunity to remind the individual of your brand and build a relationship of trust. Email confirmations are also important to keep your email lists clean. When you are creating this type of transactional email, you may want to include your business’s contact information and links to social media platforms so that they can connect with you on multiple levels. 
  1. Password Reset Emails – Many company sites have a portal for subscribers to log into their account. If a profile user ever requests a password reset, it is important to confirm this in a personalized email. Password changing procedures can vary from website to website. So, you need to include clear instructions and verify their request before going ahead with the action. This shows your subscribers that you care about their privacy and you maintain a secure site. 
  1. Purchase Receipt and Order Confirmation Emails – Another important transactional email is a purchase receipt or order confirmation when subscribers buy a product, register for an event, or request any other service that you’re offering. You should include their order information and tracking links for shipping transactions. These emails prove your business’s dedication to transparency and will help build trust with your consumers. Some things you might include in these emails to build brand awareness and increase sales are referral codes, testimonials, and other relevant products, events, or services.
  1. Consumer Feedback Emails – When subscribers receive a consumer feedback email from your brand, they can immediately guess that your company is dedicated to enhancing the customer experience. This not only looks good to your subscribers but it also allows you to collect some valuable data on your consumer base. With this feedback, your business will have a better direction of how to improve sales and reputation. 
  1. Subscriber Reactivation Emails – Another important transactional email is subscriber reactivation emails. These are triggered when a user interacts with your website and then becomes idle for too long. For example, you might benefit from targeting customers who build a shopping cart and then never place their order. These emails will remind them that they were previously considering a purchase and it just might motivate them to finalize it. You can also send these kinds of emails to people that fail to open your emails or have a subscription that is expiring. Emails like this can be playful or straight-to-the-point. Either way, you are seeking to reestablish brand awareness.
  1. Website/App Emails – Most businesses are finding success in developing mobile versions of their websites that can be downloaded in an app. This increases the accessibility of your company and helps engage with a varied audience. Your email marketing should reflect this advancement and bridge the gap between all of your channels. Subscribers will appreciate the interconnectivity of your brand and the freedom to enjoy your products or services however they choose.